声明宏 Declarative Macros

声明宏(又被翻译成 "声明式宏"), 是 Rust 早期引入的宏语法, 目前仍被支持.

Fragment Types

fragment typematchescan be followed by
expran expression: 2 + 2, "udo", x.len()=> , ;
stmtAn expression or declaration, no trailing semicolon:=> , ;
(hard to use, try expr or block instead)
tyA type: String, Vec, (&str, bool)=> , ; = { [ : > as where
pathA path: ferns, std::sync::mpsc=> , ; = { [ : > as where
patA pattern: _, Some(ref x)=> , = if in
itemAn item:Anything
struct Point {x: f64, y: f64}, mod ferns
blockA block: { s += "ok\n"; true; }Anything
metaThe body of an attribute:Anything
inline, derive(Copy, Clone), doc="3D model"
identAn identifier: std, Json, var_nameAnything
ttA token tree: ; >=, {}, [0 1 (+ 0 1)]Anything

模式 Patterns


$( ... )*匹配0次到多次, 不包含分隔符
$( ... ),*用来匹配一列参数, 以逗号来分隔
$( ... );*匹配0次到多次, 用分号作为分隔
$( ... )+匹配1次到多次, 没有分隔符
$( ... ),+匹配1次到多次, 用逗号作为分隔
$( ... );+匹配1次到多次, 用分号作为分隔



下面的示例代码来自 termcolor :

fn write_color(
    &mut self,
    fg: bool,
    c: &Color,
    intense: bool,
) -> io::Result<()> {
    macro_rules! write_intense {
        ($clr:expr) => {
            if fg {
                self.write_str(concat!("\x1B[38;5;", $clr, "m"))
            } else {
                self.write_str(concat!("\x1B[48;5;", $clr, "m"))
    macro_rules! write_normal {
        ($clr:expr) => {
            if fg {
                self.write_str(concat!("\x1B[3", $clr, "m"))
            } else {
                self.write_str(concat!("\x1B[4", $clr, "m"))
    if intense {
        match *c {
            Color::Black => write_intense!("8"),
            Color::Blue => write_intense!("12"),
            Color::Green => write_intense!("10"),
            Color::Red => write_intense!("9"),
            Color::Cyan => write_intense!("14"),
            Color::Magenta => write_intense!("13"),
            Color::Yellow => write_intense!("11"),
            Color::White => write_intense!("15"),
            Color::__Nonexhaustive => unreachable!(),

libgit2-sys 递归调用

看第一个例子, 这个是 libgit2-sys 项目中使用的, 它用于批量定义枚举类:

fn main() {
macro_rules! git_enum {
    (pub enum $name:ident { $($variants:tt)* }) => {
        #[cfg(target_env = "msvc")]
        pub type $name = i32;
        #[cfg(not(target_env = "msvc"))]
        pub type $name = u32;
        git_enum!(gen, $name, 0, $($variants)*);
    (pub enum $name:ident: $t:ty { $($variants:tt)* }) => {
        pub type $name = $t;
        git_enum!(gen, $name, 0, $($variants)*);
    (gen, $name:ident, $val:expr, $variant:ident, $($rest:tt)*) => {
        pub const $variant: $name = $val;
        git_enum!(gen, $name, $val+1, $($rest)*);
    (gen, $name:ident, $val:expr, $variant:ident = $e:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => {
        pub const $variant: $name = $e;
        git_enum!(gen, $name, $e+1, $($rest)*);
    (gen, $name:ident, $val:expr, ) => {}

git_enum! {
    pub enum git_revparse_mode_t {
        GIT_REVPARSE_SINGLE = 1 << 0,
        GIT_REVPARSE_RANGE = 1 << 1,
        GIT_REVPARSE_MERGE_BASE = 1 << 2,

